Tuesday, July 21, 2009

july 21-God's power

Experiencing God's Power Today: Wherever I am is wherever I am meant to be, whatever I am doing is whatever I am meant to be doing and whatever everyone else is doing is exactly what they are meant to be doing - this is contentment. If you do want to change where you are, or what you are doing, the first thing is to be content with wherever you are and whatever you are doing right now! Paradoxically that's what attracts opportunities and invitations to be somewhere else! Why? Because you are a living magnet, and contentment is one of your most attractive qualities. And the law of attraction says that according to your dominant thoughts so you will attract the people and circumstances into your life. Being content right now attracts the best possible future.

Experiencing God’s Power Today :
Today Baba Says, "Make your intellect refined with knowledge and yoga. Do not make the mistake of forgetting the Father. Become a lover and remember the Beloved."

We the Children of God are Checkers and Makers:Today with a refined intellect I understand what Baba is making out of me and remember Him with pure love in my heart and with the awareness that I belong only to Him and no one else.

"I have to use Baba’s teachings to make my intellect far sighted and refined. This is what Baba wants from us. I remember once that Baba was sitting on the gaddi and I said, "Baba, I have found a place". Baba told me that I had a small intellect and I should go and become a barber! Baba used to speak in a very straight forward manner. It is by speaking honestly and in a straight forward manner with us that he opens our intellects and makes us aware of many aspects.

We have to learn to really catch and understand what Baba is saying… what He is really meaning. Once you catch and understand accurately, you will never get confused or afraid. Now apply the things Baba is saying in your life. Make them a very part of you… let them go deep into your sanskaras.

At this time we are all sevadharis. We are also trinetri and trikaldarshi. We will not be this again in the whole cycle. Baba has created the subtle regions for us, not for Himself. Keep the subtle region in your heart… there is a whole world in the subtle region. Both Didi and Dadi are in that world.

We receive a lot of knowledge. We cannot possibly keep all of it in our intellects. We have to extract the essence. Just as when a perfumer makes rose oil, he extracts the essence from a large number of fragrant roses, in the same way take the essence of knowledge and apply it on yourself, in your own life.

Remember, that Baba gives us homework to do everyday and there is a great deal of benefit in doing that homework. Now do what you know needs to be done. Remember; who am I? Don’t allow yourself to get so busy that you forget this essential aspect..“

- Beloved Dadi Janki Ji

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