Reasons of Depression: -
Man is a social animal:- Social mix up often helps in reducing the tension and creating a congenial atmosphere in the society and in personal life also. Sense of rivalry by comparing the official position or the assets and wealth of the neighbors must not secure a place in our mind, because this will lead to envy and finally tension.
Competition in daily life :- Today’s busy schedule of work and rat race competition for career, particularly for professionals and office workers, transform them psychiatrically handicapped as a victim of stress.
Congenial ambiance in the family ---Study reveals that the root cause of mental stress in several cases traces back to the turmoil family environment. Mental development of a person depends mainly on the family atmosphere. If the harmony and peace of a family is disturbed, a child grows with feelings of uncertainty and develops a rude and adamant nature. In later life he becomes a tension prone personality.
Male members being the bread earners of the family, encounter several constraints right from office, family, children, and from several other fronts.
A person who undergoes several pressures in the outside world, quite obviously requires to get released his tension in the home. Instead, if the troubled atmosphere in the home induces some more problems to his life, the person becomes a prey of stress and thereby develops depression. Therefore, absence of peace and harmony in the family may be attributed as one of the main factors behind Depression.
Feelings of Negligence— This is applicable particularly for old populace. Being detached from the pivot of activity, since the main anchor of the family changes hand by this time, they feel lonely and neglected if adequate time and company is not provided to them by other members of the family.
Conjugal Life--- Understanding between the partners plays a great role in maintaining balance in the family. If there exits any clash of ego or misunderstanding between the two, the imbalance leads to tension. One of the two or even both may be much successful in their respective field of activity, but the most important notion must be, to tolerate each other and to sacrifice for the partner. Cooperation should prevail and not the Competition.
Women versus men—Women are much susceptible to depression because of very nature of hormonal interference at different stages of life. There happens serious hormonal imbalance during adolescence as well as during child birth. Again during menopause, physical as well as mental structure gets affected, and outcome becomes apparent in the form of tension and depression.
Study and Career related stress-- This has become a common phenomenon for children and student. From the very beginning of the school life the children are pushed in to the arena of stiff competition. To cope up with the skyrocketing expectation of the parents, the students are forced to forego their natural childhood. A sense of fear and lack of confidence about performance is implanted in their mind which in many cases converts the child into a mental patient.
Occurrence of dreaded disease: - Several people build up depression and nervous breakdown due to occurrence of dreaded diseases like cancer etc.
Diagnosis— Following are the common symptoms which emit danger signal that indicates the presence of the disease.
1. Change in behavior—someone becomes rude, adamant and irritating nature.
2. Sometimes the person cannot tolerate noise or laughter.
3. Reduction of sleep
3. A Sociable man slowly being converted to unusually silent
4. Avoid company or entertainment, prefers to stay alone.
5. Diminishing desire for sex
6. Thinks himself hopeless and helpless.
7. Raises questions about necessity of living.
Remedy—An affected person should be attended with utmost compassion, all effort should be initiated to understand the reason behind such depression. Children should never be scolded; instead, their problem should be fixed first. A sympathetic attitude with proper intervention for eradication of the responsible factor works miracle. For girls, sometimes, the reason traces back to their childhood, right from the date of hormonal and physical change. Sometimes they feel unsecured even after marriage. A thorough study of family antecedent as to whether depressive illness was there for anyone earlier in the family may help in treatment and thereby recovery of the patient. Psychoanalysis followed by psychotherapy by professional counselor may be required to bring a better result.
Male member of the family, particularly the bread earner, should invariably make his pecuniary planning. Works should be planned in such a manner so as to avoid hurry and tension. Relaxing is essential, a segment of time should invariably be segregated for relaxing, listening to favored music or being engaged to some activity of own choice which can bring happiness to mind and soul.
Inculcating the habit of giving patient listening to others goes a long way in lessening the tension and stress of mind.
Everyone should transform himself to changing environment and develop a habit of tolerance so that behavior of others may not build up unnecessary pressure on him.
Physical exercise helps a lot; it must be practiced daily, because a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
In spite of all these preventive measures, even if the symptoms persist, counseling by a psychotherapist may be started at the earliest. Problem should be given due importance from the inception and never be avoided.
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