Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mental Tensions

Mental Tensions

Mental tension is the cause of the crimes in the world. Many diseases are also due to psychological imbalance, nervous strain and hypertension. In order to feel relaxed, some people, now-a-days, take tranquilisers, smoke marijuana or use LSD drugs but this does not provide them with a lasting relief. Rather, these things have harmful effects on man's mental faculties and they make him a slave of the urge to take them again and again. It has now been demonstrated that the best course to be free from mental tension is to practise Raja Yoga daily, even though for a short while.

One would naturally like to know as to what exactly it is that leads man to mental tension and how Raja Yoga helps to keep him free from it. In this connection, one should know that the main factor responsible for the mental tension is man's attitude towards events, persons and things. It is well-known that the main mechanism through which man reacts to external stimuli in the form of events, persons or things is man's brain and the network of sensory and motor nerves with which the brain is connected. But it is the soul which is the centre of the consciousness and the soul abides near the pituitary gland. The pituitary receives the external stimuli through the hypothalamus which receives information from the cerebral cortex of the brain and passes it on to the soul. Now it depends upon what attitudes, values or proclivities the soul has. The soul reacts to those stimuli according to its tendencies, beliefs, values etc. through the above-mentioned mechanism. Raja Yoga enables the soul to have proper attitudes, values,will-power and bliss through link with God. If for example, the soul looks upon the world as a drama, it does not feel sad in the face of adverse events. Rather, it takes them as mere passing panorama and remains as a witness.

Again, if the soul has the belief that he was originally calm and peaceful and that all other persons also are souls, related to it as brothers, he treats all with love and if others act unrighteously, he pities them and tries to extricate him rather than get disturbed.

Further, the soul, because of his belief in God as the omnipotent and merciful Father, who helps those who help themselves by acting according to divine law, remains free of worry, feels secure and also get love from Him. It experiences bliss and this saves the soul from the harmful impact of external stimuli on his consciousness. Thus, Raja Yoga helps the soul to feel relaxed and peaceful.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

in this brilliantly scripted play........

Nothing real ever changes

In time, with practice, you will see through all that changes and realise it is unreal, and that there is a deeper reality within you that never changes. And that deeper reality is you. You will be able to sit quietly and watch the world around you ‘out there’ change and not be affected by it. You will notice your body changing and not be affected by it. You will notice your mind changing, thoughts changing, feelings changing and not be affected by it. You will see others behaviours changing, often quite violently, and not be affected by it. Nothing will affect you because you realise it is what is meant to be in that moment. In this moment you will know your self as you are, the one who watches, the one who observes everything except your self. And you will notice there is a game called change, otherwise known as life, happening around you. And it’s just a game. And that you are both in the audience and on the stage. And because you realise it’s just a game, a multidimensional drama, a brilliantly scripted play, nothing will surprise you, nothing will be more important than anything else and you will no longer have any preferences.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

july 21-God's power

Experiencing God's Power Today: Wherever I am is wherever I am meant to be, whatever I am doing is whatever I am meant to be doing and whatever everyone else is doing is exactly what they are meant to be doing - this is contentment. If you do want to change where you are, or what you are doing, the first thing is to be content with wherever you are and whatever you are doing right now! Paradoxically that's what attracts opportunities and invitations to be somewhere else! Why? Because you are a living magnet, and contentment is one of your most attractive qualities. And the law of attraction says that according to your dominant thoughts so you will attract the people and circumstances into your life. Being content right now attracts the best possible future.

Experiencing God’s Power Today :
Today Baba Says, "Make your intellect refined with knowledge and yoga. Do not make the mistake of forgetting the Father. Become a lover and remember the Beloved."

We the Children of God are Checkers and Makers:Today with a refined intellect I understand what Baba is making out of me and remember Him with pure love in my heart and with the awareness that I belong only to Him and no one else.

"I have to use Baba’s teachings to make my intellect far sighted and refined. This is what Baba wants from us. I remember once that Baba was sitting on the gaddi and I said, "Baba, I have found a place". Baba told me that I had a small intellect and I should go and become a barber! Baba used to speak in a very straight forward manner. It is by speaking honestly and in a straight forward manner with us that he opens our intellects and makes us aware of many aspects.

We have to learn to really catch and understand what Baba is saying… what He is really meaning. Once you catch and understand accurately, you will never get confused or afraid. Now apply the things Baba is saying in your life. Make them a very part of you… let them go deep into your sanskaras.

At this time we are all sevadharis. We are also trinetri and trikaldarshi. We will not be this again in the whole cycle. Baba has created the subtle regions for us, not for Himself. Keep the subtle region in your heart… there is a whole world in the subtle region. Both Didi and Dadi are in that world.

We receive a lot of knowledge. We cannot possibly keep all of it in our intellects. We have to extract the essence. Just as when a perfumer makes rose oil, he extracts the essence from a large number of fragrant roses, in the same way take the essence of knowledge and apply it on yourself, in your own life.

Remember, that Baba gives us homework to do everyday and there is a great deal of benefit in doing that homework. Now do what you know needs to be done. Remember; who am I? Don’t allow yourself to get so busy that you forget this essential aspect..“

- Beloved Dadi Janki Ji



Anthony Strano points the way to a conversation with God.

When silence is deep, brimming with fullness, when there is no more yearning for sound, when there is complete concentration on One, then thought, like an arrow, finds and melts into its target; there the human soul not only glimpses God, but is absorbed in the purity of that Being; absorbed totally, wholly, absolutely. Filled with the pure light that has now become its being, the soul radiates this energy as peace and love to others; a living lighthouse.

Silence is the bridge of communication between the Divine and the divine in the human. Silence is where I find what is most precious.

Spiritual silence is the positioning of the heart and mind in readiness for communication with the One. Neither is it communication based on repetitive words, nor on intellectual theories nor on asking for the fulfillment of limited desires. Sacred communication is the harmonizing of the original self with the Eternal One.

Spiritual silence gives me energy, pure and selfless, from the Creative Source, to burst out of the cocoon of dust and routine, opening up unlimited horizons of new vision. To release the self from negativity, I require silence. Absorbed in its depths, I am renewed. In this renewal the mind clears itself, facilitating a different perception of reality. The deepest perception of all is my own eternity.

As I listen, I receive. As I receive, I feel and reflect, and gradually move into concentration. Concentration is when I am completely absorbed in one thought. Where there is love, concentration is natural and steady, like the still candle flame radiating its aura of light. The thought in which one is absorbed becomes one’s world. When the human mind is absorbed in the thought of God, the person feels resurrected; the harmony of reconciliation is deeply felt. In this silent link of love, one becomes fully reconciled, not as an intellectual process but as a state of being. I awaken. This wakefulness is where I am fully conscious of Truth. Simultaneously I become conscious of the illusions in me and around me and of the effort needed to remove them.

This wakefulness enables me to respond and receive what I would not normally notice, either on natural or supernatural levels. In wakefulness, in this heightened state of knowing, a person spiritualises the self; he or she becomes a truer being. Within silence the subtle invisible rays of concentrated thought meet God—this is the power of silence; this is often called ’meditation’. Sound cannot achieve this meeting with God. Sound can only praise and glorify, through song or chant, the closeness of union with the Divine; but it cannot create it. Only silence creates the practical experience of union.

Concentrated silence is the wordless focus of pure attention on One. Love for that One makes the focus easy and steady, fulfilling. This closeness of the self with the Supreme inevitably inspires the desire for change in the self; inspiration to better the self, to make the self worthy by fulfilling the original potential and, where one can, sharing the fruits of that realized potential with others. This sharing is not achieved through saying a lot, but rather through the integrity of personal example.

In silence, the deepest orientation of consciousness is the desire to achieve personal perfection. This desire is a result of the divine flow of energy entering the human consciousness and inspiring belief in one’s own worth. Personal perfection is accepted as being possible. It’s the faith given by God as a gift to the soul. The possibility of perfection is accepted because the soul knows it is not alone in its effort, it constantly has the support of Divine Love to achieve its goal.

In its connection with God, the soul is filled and feels itself complete
; it has found what it was looking for. Divine Love works especially through silence; the soul is awakened from its sleep of ignorance and given new life, as in the story of Sleeping Beauty. The soul is the Sleeping Beauty, God is the prince and ignorance is the witch who casts her magic spell of slumber upon the princess. God’s love for the soul is such that it is not stopped by any darkness or barrier but reaches the soul to awaken it, bringing it back to life, back to reality. Love breaks the iron spell.

It is through Love that I, as a soul, am awakened and acknowledge my eternity. My reality is far more than my material appearance. My eternity is my reality. This is the truth of my existence. In Greek the word for truth is alithea, which means ‘not to forget’. The human being is under a very deep forgetfulness; an amnesia of spirit. I cannot achieve the awakened state, the true state of myself with my own skills of intellect. Attainment of Truth is not a matter of cleverness. I can only awaken when God helps me to remember. To remember is real knowing; it is Truth.

To achieve inner change, silence has to be love-filled, not only peace-filled. Many think that it is enough just to experience peace in the silence of meditation in order to achieve transformation of consciousness. Peace stabilizes; peace harmonises and gently quiets. Peace lays the foundation. However, Love actively inspires; Love moves the universe. Love moves all things towards their original freedom and happiness.

Both Peace and Love are needed, and in their archetypal form, come from God, the Universal and immutable Source. It is this God-filled silence that restores a human being and the earth to their original state.

In silence, we realize that it is not only a return to the roots; but, even more, it is a return to the Seed, to the Beginning; it is a return to God, a return to myself, a return to right relationship.

Anthony Strano is Director of the Brahma Kumaris Centres in Greece, Hungary and Turkey. This article is extracted from his booklet The Alpha Point, published by Brahma Kumaris Information Services Ltd, London 1998.