Friday, December 9, 2011


Little soul :  Baba, baba babaa….what are you doing on the batan there?
Baba:  Child, baba is beutifying  his dear children on the gallery here..:)
Little soul:  Really baba?   Baba what am I doing here than …? Baba  can I stay with you  for a while?
Baba: My sweet child …this is what I want from you each seconds….i am always with you…I am Staring at my child how much fragrance of virtues she is spreading…
Soul: Baba and how come the child not company baba in spreading light and might and get engaged in mundane things?...Baba why is it not enough??
Baba:  Child, this is why I keep on giving you this wonderful and unique knowledge for so long…
Soul: Baba how come the child not have as much intoxication as there should have been that God himself has declared that you are my child??   Baba how come there be space like u had told “abhi toh yog kya hain chakha vi nahin?”
Baba:  No, child ,don’t worry....... to realize this lagging ness is also a yaad , isn’t it baby?   But child this maya will also seem  prabal to you …though it  really is not…because child u adopted it for long ..but also keep in smriti always your ANADI SANSKAR…and original sanskar..
Soul: baba , this maya should now no more live ..its enough …Baba you have given soo much and baba , baba how will this child pay you …how should this child be thankful to you…I have nothing that you don’t have…??  :(
Baba:  Child … you have something that I don’t have…Do you know that child?  if you forget me I will not have your remembrance..i am always remembering my long lost and now found child ..i am always trying to beautify my dear child with all the virtues …if you don’t adopt the virtues I will be not having the HONESTY of one of my children …YOUR REMEMBRANCE and YOUR HONESTY are what I will not have…so  you have something to give me for what I have given you, isn’t it child?
Soul: ah..ah..WOW …I have something that I can give to my sweetest baba….yeeeeeeee…but baba this will work on cycle…and benefit me only …baba you serve so selflessly and you don’t come on the satyug…baba sangam yug is better than satyug…I cant drown on  this ocean of love on satyug..:(
Baba: See child, first you will not only be the one to be benefited by your gift to me…many souls are going to benefit and the poor nature ..the 5 elements they are also going to benefit out of it…isn’t it child?
Soul : Yes, baba …they will also…everything and everyone benefited and benefited only with benevolent baba…
Baba: and  master benevolent child  ;)
Soul:  Yeee baba , I feel myself lightened up and charged…baba you do the magics through words…
Baba: Baba is biggest magician of all the magicians, baba is the biggest philosopher of all the philosophers, baba is the teacher of all the teachers…the mahatma of all the mahatmas , the ocean of KNOWLEDGE…(churn over it child) and the most wonderful about it that he is making you like himself…he has assured all his virtues as belongings of you as well….aren’t you the luckiest of souls??

Soul: Baba , if someone  seems to be doing wrong according to your shrimat… dismissing your shrimat and using your gyan as weapon to hurt the another soul..?  what should be done??
Baba: Child, as baba already told you baba is trying to make you like himself…he has given you all the knowledge and the shrimat…you are not supposed to be a complainer, are you child???  You are not supposed to bring the files of complain with baba…those souls are destined play such roles on drama (its not their fault either)  and will bear what they have sown…
and child remember YOU HAVE TO BE ACCURATE ON EVERY KARMA…because the KINGDOM is being established here and very LITTLE TIME is ahead…THIS TIME IS A GIFT TO YOU BABY…stay with me only…if you become alone u will get used to see this and that souls…just look at me only and you wont have to look at anyone else.
Can you imagine how accurate are the deities…EVEN AFTER  FINDING GOD, THE CREATOR…u complain and feel yourself in injustice…you shall never be able to justify your role on any of the 84 births on kalps…and IT SHALL REPEAT ON EVERY KALPA….
Soul:  Baba you are soooo sweet , soo wonderful sooo loving you save your child from maya in a way or the other …you always teach your child some method…THANK YOUUU BABA…
Baba: ..and child, you are my same ARJUNA…of previous kalpa…I AM ALWAYS ON YOUR SIDE on this war..I have written your name on my are my same deity child…remain in this intoxication forever…that I am on baba’s heart and going to be TOGETHER ON EVERY YUG TILL THE LAST…
And child don’t take away  my gift…J…and focus on mansa seva at maximum speed because you are the ancestor soul of so  many sorrowful souls at present…they are a giver child..BE A GIVER (deity-devata) not a TAKER from me only…AND PRACTICE THE SWEETNESS OF THIS AVYAKTA ND NIRAKAR STHITI …
Soul:  Baba I am yours…whatever I have is yours …I shall focus on this mansa seva and will always remember the gift I have to give you…THANK YOU BABA…J

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Supreme-  Sweet child, you have found unlimited godly happiness , so you are not supposed to care about those mayabi sukh. Ghild i have an expectation from you ...can you guess what is that?

Soul- Baba, nothing in this earth feels like happiness in your absence, having found you i have found everything..

Supreme- That is a good spirit child, but give still more attention and you can..whatever you are determined to achieve  and ....and child i want you to study nicely, i want you to go ahead of me ...Baba is seeing how much fragrance my child is spreading....You should not have any odour...Nothing bad should be committed through your  sense organs .

You belonged to maya previously almighty father has adopted you.. You are now here in unknown and secret happiness but  you will achieve unlimited happiness in the future  )
  NOw child you know you have belonged yourself to this mother father to get all the sukh in the satyug   ..
Supreme-  Child, you are supposed to forget everything of your own as well , forget this body and all the bodily relations and put the CONNECTION with me...)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

After all the sweetest Godfather handles his child with so much of care

Soul: Baba, baba felt so gifted to be able to sparkle the whole day today.....
Supreme: achchha child, what made you sparkle so highly today?
Soul: Baba you know i made attempts to revenge by having good wishes but baba your shrimat corrected me to love by having good wishes ....You swapped this word called revenge, hain na baba??  :)
 Supreme: Child, if  a brahmin soul gets caught up in  those words like revenge, hurt, sensitiveness, fear, slackness then it is not a true brahmin soul.
Soul: Baba, i the soul didn't have these feelings of hurt, fear, laziness ...and baba i am thinking only about  PEACE, PURITY,  and HAPPINESS...:)   baba how great it would feel for me after reaching my sweet home..
Supreme : No, child .. you have to experience these virtues here to make a prominent sanskar while u will be in jeevanmukti..see child,  because when u will really reach the sweet home there is cent total peace and purity and not a spot of any vices and u cannot feel those original virtues there ....something is defined good here as something another bad exists here...when everything is good then it shall not be defined or felt as child, it is here on the suhawani sangamyug that you are to experience your original form inspite of being in front of sorrowful world.."gum ki duniya ke aage rahate vi begampur ka baadshah bano.."  :)

Soul:  yes baba .....good night baba  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Powerful break owner

Supreme - Child , do you know you are not CONCERNED WITH the old world now...!!

Soul -  ah..baba, baba ...i have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS OLD WORLD????

Supreme -  Child, all you are doing is TRANSFERING THE BAGGAGES ONLY  )

Soul - ..and baba the giver of this wonderful gyan is only one father..the OCEAN OF KNOWLEDGE...

Supreme -Child, this is the end of the iron aged world so God has to come...Nobody finds God in between  )

Soul - Child, you have found the knowledge now...You know now you are getting back all th virtues) through the power of yoga.. )

Supreme - Child now if you remember me all your misdeeds are going to get clearances.
  Break the connection of your mind from body and all the bodily beings and remember me  )...won't it be wonderful child??
Soul - Yes baba ..No doubt it will be the most wonderful step to march...I have to remember you alone...Forget all the bodily beings...Baba, baba how to put this powerful break??

Supreme- baby! You need first pure thoughts on yourself and you need this practice of controlling all the other thoughts..WHOLE DAY FLOAT IN THE OCEAN OF PURE THOUGHTS.  ..and whenever u like go to the bottom of this ocean of pure thoughts and STABILISE YOURSELF ON SILENCE FORM,  nd for this child hold a powerful break...hold a full control over your thoughts and hold the right over your intellect.. and sanskars...THEN ONLY YOU CAN SERVE IN BLESSINGS FORM BY BEING A LIGHT AND MIGHT HOUSE...)

soul  - WOW floating on the ocean of pure thoughts baba???  and going to the bottom of this ocean and being a silence form  ...wah baba ) this silence would be the sweetest at the bottom of ocean of pure thoughts  )  but baba i have to have a powerful break over my thoughts with having full right over my intellect and sanskars.....baba your child will now be a light and might house just like you   ...)

Supreme -  Child, dont forget to have ECONOMY over your THOUGHTS, TIME and WORDS..)

Soul -  Economy over THOUGHTS......TIME......and  WORDS.........)   .THANK YOU BABBBAAA )

Monday, December 5, 2011

Soul converses with the father

Mind and soul sprout with floods of conversations with the sweetest being...DECEMBER 5

Soul: Baba, baba,baba baba!! why is it never enough there?(efforts)

Supreme: Child, you have a high determination ...You can..finally!!

Soul: Baba, Baba will i be like you?

Supreme: Child, you had been calling me for so many births, hadn't you?

soul:Yes. Baba :)

Supreme: and Child you found me, haven;t you?? ..and child do you realise it was me who searched you?

Soul : Yes, baba..but baba.... you know baba why is it its never enough? why the child lags behind on this or the other inspite of being a follower of father ???

Supreme: Child, you are not alone ..we are combined… and You see child , you have done it several times and you can!

Soul: Baba, baba this must be your faith on your child being a father …baba I tried an experiment to follow father on this point “ apakari par vi upakar karo” …baba you know it was so tight for her..:(

Supreme: Child, this is your test …Someone else is being an instrument to take you a test wondering you will pass or fail…and if you fail on your part?? Will it be an appealing case child?? ..being the child of the owner of all the powers and virtues ..being the master sarbashaktiman..can you be a failure child???

Soul: No, Baba child will not fail…SHE IS THE MASTER OWNER OF ALL THE POWERS AND VIRTUES…ah …ah….owner of all powers J J yeeee

Supreme: J

Soul: OWNER OF ALL THE POWERS THAT GOD POSSSESS…BABA, does this not mean I have the ABILITY to keep the FULL STOP in a second like the father did..baba and does this not mean that the child has the ability to spread the UNLIMITED GOOD WISHES for the ones who defies her, who opposes her ??

Supreme: Yes, Child you have to have UNLIMITED GOOD WISHES for all…and this is what you will get in return…Child you are determined to alter the nature and this is not a big deal to reverse the thoughts of these human souls…because you see child they are all already ORIGINALLY prem swaroop like you yourself J …are you getting my points child?


Supreme: Child , remember one more thing never ever judge any souls for the roles they are in now…because there is something a TOTAL DIFFERENT SCENE …on the golden age shall see them in….because time is not far when finally results are going to be published.

Soul: Yes , baba …It had been acknowledged on me that it was a body consciousness to judge to judge them on the roles they are playing like castes, laukik knowledge they have, the so called narrow mindedness they hold, the laukik family background they have..

Supreme: Child whatever exists is the fruit of the past karmas and you know child ..” yeh jo vi dekhne me aata hain who kuch vi rahega nahin” like I told you on a recent murli…All these scenes are going to change very soon..and all these conscience of deha and dehadharis is going to bring you down only…so you remember me ALONE…J MANMANABHAV..

Soul: Baba ..i will remember you alone…You are mine and I am yours

Supreme: Child, you are my child…so have a BIG HEART…Don’t get disheartened on ANYTHING…things wil come and GO …your purusarth and refinement is what gets recorded on your soul for ever ..and shall repeat on every kalpas…( “yeh toh kalpa kalpaki baaji hain na bacchi”)

Soul: haan , baba …Baba baba you are sooo wonderful..

Supreme: Child , you are also as wonderful…and child focus on your every wee sankalps..These SANKALPS will create your new SANSAAR..Guide your every thoughts and every seconds of sangam youg is VERY VALUABLE..

Soul: Baba how will the child make safal every sankalpa and every seconds??

Supreme: Child, it is not tough…BE WITH ME ..accept my invitation…I shall do everything…I shall even think for you…OUR COMBINED SWAROOP will do a magic…not a riddhi siddhi one but bidhhi siddhi one…Got it child? Samjha?

Soul: Baba ..baba…I will never leave you…you will never leave me? Will you baba?? Baba we will have conversation every time ..will we not baba???

Supreme: Child, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU …I have sticken you on my the pot of my heart …and it shall be on your part to attempt not to forgot where you are residing…

father knows what a huge flood that exists in the heart of the child there..